Day 6: Hypnogogia & Hypnopompia

Day 6: Hypnogogia & Hypnopompia

You know that moment just before you wake up, where you’re suspended between worlds? That’s called Hypnopompia. The opposite, the moment before you fall asleep is called Hypnagogia. I seem to have a lot of these moments,  it’s just that I remember the ones before waking up more. 

This morning as I shifted between worlds, I clearly heard the words, “Music that expands Me. Music that shrinks Me”. The capital ‘M’ is me, is purposeful, and I understand Me to be my Lightbody/ Higher Self, not ‘me’ as in the human me. 

Sometimes a song is playing (none that I’ve ever heard before) with the strangest lyrics and melody.

I believe that we are in direct contact with our Higher Selves and the spirit world during these moments.


Up high somewhere, beautiful colours swirling around me. Five strange names on a board in a language I don’t understand but I know that my ‘team’ name is on this board–in  the ‘finals’. I’m thrilled but the competition is tough. I ask my team if they are satisfied with the little things they can do as witches or if they want the power that comes with being a magician (not the fake stage kind, I point out) and they are eager in their response. I look around slowly and feel a dark presence. I shout out that anyone who follows Lucifer is not welcome on my team and should leave immediately. One by one they stand up, maybe 7 or 8 of them, glaring at me as they walk out. 

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