Day 7: Reflecting

Day 7: Reflecting

Week one has flown by! We’ve been exceptionally busy the past couple days, out and about more than usual but it’s been a nice change. I am tired right down to my bones though and I have to remind myself how quickly ‘normal’ activities tire me out. It’s frustrating, but it is what it is. I napped for 2,5 hours this afternoon and if it hadn’t been for the alarm I’d set ‘just in case’, I would probably still be sleeping!

  • Today was ‘weigh-day’ and I’m down 0,8kg. Not a huge amount, but I’m happy with that. I was a lot more mindful in my food choices this week. 
  • I haven’t managed a 36-hour fast since starting this project but the idea is to do one ‘tomorrow’ and again on Saturday. 
  • I had a lovely heart-to-heart ‘chat’ (= I type, she recorded herself) with my sister Ashleigh and connected to friends.
  • I’ve spent more intentional, fun time with my husband Miquel.
  • I am feeling centred and focused and ready to face the next 7 days!

PS: if you’re reading this–thank you!! I so appreciate the support! Xx

Leigh Avatar

One response to “Day 7: Reflecting”

  1. Selena Avatar

    Sounds lovely xxxx heart to heart chats are the best ♡♡♡♡


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